Stelios H. Grigoriou, LL.M, FCIArb, Accredited Mediator

Managing Partner


Graduate Studies:

- Master of Laws (LL.M.), University of London, London School of Economics (LSE) (1985-1986)

Undergraduate Studies:

- Bachelor of Law, National and Kapodistriako University of Athens, Law Department (1979–1984) 

- Bachelor of Economics, National and Kapodistriako University of Athens, Economics Department (1984–1990) 

- Bachelor of Political Science, National and Kapodistriako University of Athens, Political Science Department (1990–1995)


Attorney – at – Law with the Supreme Court – Member of the Athens Bar Association. (1986 – until present).

Legal consultant of many Greek and European companies on Greek and EU Legislation.

Legal consultant of the Greek Nursing Home for the Elderly.

Legal consultant of the OA Athens 2004 Committee.

Attorney-at-Law of the family of the Patriarch of Alexandria Peter VII regarding the CHINOOK fall on Saint Mount 9/11/2004.

Legal partner of several Law Offices in Europe.

President of the EEC Youth Committee (1994).

Member of the Board of Directors of the National Insurance Company (Ethniki Asfalistiki Etaireia) (1993 – 1996).

Political and Legal Consultant of the Minister of Education of Professor Fatouros since 1993 up to 1994.

Political and Legal Consultant of the Minister of Labour and Social Security Mr Miltiadis Papaioannou since August 1997 up to 1999.

Political and Legal Consultant of the Minister of Labour Mr Dimitrios Reppas since 1999 up to 2002.


Participated in the Legislative Committee of the Ministry of Environment and Public Works for the harmonisation of Greek legislation with EC Directive 91/689/EE, L 377/91 regarding the administration of toxic and dangerous wastes.

Participation in the Legal Committee of the Ministry of Labour for the flexibility of the Labour Market / LAW 2643/1998.


“The Law of Franchising and EEC Competition Law “, EEC Review, 1990.

“A Legal Outlook on International Financing”, Greek Bank Review, 1989.

“The Legal Protection of Biotechnology “, Nomiko Vima, 1988.

“International Law and the Transfer of Technology”, unpublished study submitted to LSE.

“The Place of Origin of Products Distributed in the European Union”, independent, unpublished study for a client.

Participated in the collective INE (GSEE) study regarding unemployment in Greece on the topic of “The Problem of wages in the Greek Economy”.

“Legal Context of Bank Mergers in Greece”, independent, unpublished study for a Greek Bank.


“The Rights of Working Youth”, General Secretariat of Youth, 1997.

Editor and translator of the book of the former Premier of France, Michel Rocard, entitled ” The Rules of the Game”, prefaced by the Greek Prime Minister Konstantinos Simitis, Athens, 1992.

Participated in the drafting of the 1991-1992 EUROGUIDE.

Participation to the Program ” Personnalites d’Avenir” organized by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (June 1997).

Participation to the Program “Young European Leaders” in the context of “The International Visitor Program” organized by the United States Information Agency (January 1999).

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